Missio Dei Community

JESUS is the Word of God, the Christ, the Son of the living God.  He modeled a life of love, died on the cross, and rose from death to life.  His life, work, death, and resurrection reconciles all creation to relationship with Creator.  Through Jesus Christ, we are invited into fullness of life now and forever with the divine.

THE BIBLE is an authoritative narrative of God and people, and it helps us to translate and understand who God is.  It is true in all it intends to teach.  It is also a book of questions inviting us into a closer relationship with Spirit as we engage with it.  The sacred text carries a dual authorship – a human instrument inspired by God.  The Bible is not simply a book that has recorded what God has said, but it is also a relevant communication of what God is saying.

OUR MISSION as followers of Christ is to love God and to model kin-dom values by loving others.  We do this through the rhythms of communion, community, and compassion.  We commune with God by the study of the sacred text, through prayer and meditation, and through creative expressions of worship.  We enjoy community with friends, co-workers, and family by living life together and enjoying each other.  We serve God through compassionately caring for people in need, seeking justice in our world, partnering with God to bring more of heaven to earth, and speaking the hope filled truths of Jesus.

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