Missio Dei Community


We think God loves us right where we’re at, and also loves us enough to not let us stay there.  As we encounter the presence of God in everyday life and in the sacred text we expect to see our own lives transformed into the likeness of Christ.
We foster transformation in our lives through learning & listening.


We recognize our daily dependence on God.  In Him we live and move and have our being.

We also recognize that we were not created to live outside of deep (and sometimes messy) relationship with others. We are dependent on each other as a community and as humanity.
We practice dependence in hospitality & accountability.


We desire to see justice in the lives of all people and God given dignity restored to those who are often looked down upon or forgotten about by our society.
We model justice through blessing and generosity.


We recognize the intrinsic beauty of our creator all around us in His creation and express that through visual art, music, and other forms of expressive communication that draw attention to God’s creativity.
We bring about beauty in the world by creating and caring for our environment.

So how do we see these values that define us become reality?
Through the rhythms of life we practice…