Missio Dei Community

The Hub

Out of Season

The Hub is currently on hiatus, but when we have met it’s looked like this:
Every other Sunday afternoon at the Boys & Girls Club in downtown Santa Cruz


The Hub is our biweekly gathering of neighborhood villages for Missio Dei Community.

The Hub has some “normal” church stuff like information and music but we also like to do things a bit different. The purpose of The Hub is to create an environment for us to connect to each other and to God. We hold everything loosely from the way the room is arranged to art supplies for creative expression, discussion elements, and story telling to name a few.

Yeah, “The Hub” is a strange name for a church gathering. We like to have fun with our naming gatherings and titles and such. It’s part of our personality to be playful and not take ourselves too seriously.


A hub is the the place or thing that forms the effective center of an activity, region or network. It’s the central part of a wheel from which the spokes radiate. In the tech world, a USB hub allows many USB devices to connect to a single port.  Or an ethernet hub is a central networking device. For airlines a hub is an airport used as a transfer point.  It can refer to a place where traffic is exchanged across several modes of transport.

For Missio Dei Community, The Hub is not unlike all these things. In The Hub we come together to share stories and excitement. We listen to the story of God and ask Him how we connect to Him and fit in to it all. When we leave The Hub, we enter a world of possibilities on mission with our creator. The Hub is a place to get onboard with Missio Dei Community, a portal to our smaller communities where we scatter to live out the Kingdom in our neighborhoods.