Join Missio Dei Community and Sweaty Sheep California this Easter to resurrect and refresh your spirit.
7:15am – Sunrise all level yoga & meditation service
-No yoga experience necessary – all are welcome as we use a variety of meditative yoga asanas to reflect on and experience the Easter story in an all new way!
-there will be a special children’s yoga session at the same time so bring the family!
8am – Coffee, music, & beach play
SC BOYS & GIRLS CLUB – 543 Center St.
10am – Egg hunt for kiddos
10:30am – Brunch
11:30am – Adult Egg hunt
-Because why should kids get all the fun?
-A few gift cards available. $20 in the golden egg!
11:50am – Musical celebration and Spritiual conversation
Come for any or all of the morning to hang out and enjoy each other. We will have plenty of food for brunch, and if you want to bring something to share, you’re more than welcome (but not obligated) to bring it along.
As mentioned above, we’re planning a special kids yoga time on the beach so parents bring em along, and there will also be a craft and faith component for kids during the conversation at the end of the morning.
Hope you can join us.
Feel free to email us with any questions you have.