As we approach the festival of Easter, we aim to experience something of what Jesus felt on the Cross. In his cry, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?†God confesses the absence of God.
During Lent, we will expose ourselves to some of the great atheist critics of religion, in order to purge ourselves of a faith in which doubt is bad and God is used as a crutch to cope with the uncertainties and hardships of life. In the process, we hope to discover a richer faithin which our experiences of the absence of the presence of God are recognized and remembered.
Click here for the links to all the past, current, and future reflections.
We also encourage you to join the event on Facebook where we are posting the reflections and provides a good venue for online discussion and invitation by clicking here.
This is a decentering practice that we will be guided by an author and Irish Christian philosopher, Peter Rollins. You’ll get access to a bundle of articles, podcasts, book excerpts and videos – one for every day of Lent. We are welome to use this space to share any thoughts from the daily practices as well.
Each Sunday at 2pm, Rollins will do a talk and live Q&A. The talk will be available afterward as well.
Every other Sunday we gather for communion at 4pm and during Lent we will share our thoughts and experience regarding Atheism for Lent and look at one of the reflections or teachings together. Check the calendar page for details.
Hopefully at the end we will host a screening of the movie Silence during “Holy Week” as an opportunity for reflection and discussion.