Missio Dei Community

One of the ways Missio Dei Community sustains monistry right now is through inviting partners from outside Missio Dei to contribute financially. Your partnership helps us to connect with and serve our community in a number of ways. Please feel free to contact Bobby with any questions you may have.

(For those who call Missio Dei Community their community of faith, we believe giving generously is a valuable discipline to build compassion and trust.  You are also invited to contribute as a spiritual act to reflect God’s ownership over every area of our lives and support the ministry activities we are involved with.  You can give electronically or in an offering box when we gather.)

There are three ways you can easily give to Missio Dei Community:

Bill Pay

Most banks allow you to setup recurring payments or single gifts via a Bill Pay service.
This is typically free of charge for you and does not diminish your gift by incurring fees for us either.
To do this, use the following info:

Payee: Missio Dei Community, PO Box 7410, Santa Cruz, CA, 95060, 831.406.1334


Use the button below for a recurring payment or click here to make a one time offering.


Monthly Amount

Snail Mail

Donations can be mailed to:

Missio Dei Community
P.O. Box 7410
Santa Cruz, CA  95061

Checks can be made payable to Missio Dei Community.
Thank you for considering investing in the ministry in Santa Cruz.

Upcoming Events