Missio Dei Community

What the heck does Missio Dei mean?

It’s Latin. Explanation here.

Who is the leadership of Missio Dei?

The lead/vision architect for Missio Dei Community is Bobby Marchessault. He oversees and casts vision in relationship with a few other dreamers and leaders who make up the team.

Is Missio Dei Community part of a denomination or network or something?

We are proud to be part of the Disciples of Christ family as a “church in formation.” Learn more about our region here.

Does Missio Dei Community have a position on marriage equality?

The quick answer is that as an organization we are open and affirming. We make space for individuals where they are on their journey and allow space to be in process, however we affirm God’s inclusion of all orientations and welcome LGBTQ individuals and couples at any and all levels of leadership. Creating a safe space for all and being advocates of the God given dignity of all people is important to to us. We don’t have any fancy position paper at this point, but would recommend the book Changing Our Mind if you are interested in a resource and for a bite sized meme, this sums it up pretty well.

How about women in leadership?

We believe that Jesus was a radical feminist and we encourage the involvement of all people at all levels of leadership regardless of sex, gender, race, etc.

How can I get involved?

There are a number of ways you can get involved.

1. Join us. We meet together on most Sunday evenings. If the things you are hearing interest you, we’d love to have you join us then or to serve with us in the community sometime or simply to hang out and get to know us. Whether you live in Santa Cruz County already, are considering moving to the area, or feel that God is calling you here to be a part of creating culture and making God’s Kingdom tangible, I’d love to grab coffee or a beer with you. Email Bobby.

2. Be in the know. You can subscribe to our email snapshots and visit our Facebook page to see what’s going on in our community.

Got one we didn’t answer? Feel free to email it to us via the contact page.

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